Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Meet Sound Master Alex Boldt

And we are back. It's been an exciting time for the collective with the launch of our new website: and our indiegogo campaign: Today we have new blog from our Sound Composer Alex. Let's get to it.

Who or what inspired you to pursue a career in technical theatre?

I don't really know if I am pursuing a career in theatre. However, at this unpredictable and passionate time of youth and tomfoolery, I am pursuing a calling. My career is many things that make me money, and my calling is for story telling.

But to answer the question: When I went to High school I took advantage of every arts course I could get my hands on, from graphic design to animation to video, all except for theatre. Naturally I had to find out what I was missing, and after school, I helped out with some shows at the Walterdale theatre and then drifted into the theatre program at RDC. I don't really recall if there was any major event that inspired me to pursue it, but at some point It just felt right.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have recently faced?

Not biting off more than I can chew. So many things interest me, so I have a tendency to want to do it all. For this show I started out with writing music, but now I'm taking photos, editing videos, and designing graphics! Sometimes its easy to forget all the other crap you have to get done in the midst of artistic excitement.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully alive. If I'm there, I want to be writing and directing films and being a real honest son of a bitch with those I love. Some financial success would be nice but ideally I don't wish to be successful if I don't know who I am.

What's your favorite part about being a tech?

I don't really feel like a tech. No previous show I've worked on as a tech has given so much freedom to ask questions or contribute to the show itself like this one has.

But to answer the question: My favourite thing about being a tech, is watching actors. I love seeing the same lines delivered differently on different nights, or seeing little mistakes happen. Often I'd like to record every performance and then edit together all the pieces with the most beautiful mistakes.

What's something we probably don't know about you?

I love nature, and to dance. Sometimes I cry at movies.

That's it for now but if your interested in learning more about Sonder check out the links above. For more exciting news be sure to check out the links below: